IXAPE Airdrop

Everyone knows about BAYC, not only that but we know just how expensive it is get to your hands on this blue chip NFT.

With IX Swap, we changed that.

Join in on our IXAPE Airdrop, and get more IXAPE, by holding IXAPE!

IXApe Campaign Mechanics

-The IXAPE campaign will be running from November 2 to December 2

-To paticipate in the airdrop, hold at least 1 IXAPE during the campaign period

-A snapshot will be taken on December 2, so make sure you're holding all your IXAPE tokens till then

-We will announce when the airdrop has been completed, so make sure to stay tuned and follow us on our channels

Don't forget to join us on Zealy, and complete the IXAPE quests to earn more cash rewards on our monthly draw!

How to get IXAPE

To get started, you're going to need to need 2 things:

  1. Be KYC Approved
  2. Have some IXS

Need help? Don't worry check out our guides below:

KYC Guide

How to buy IXS

Once you have both you can now proceed to get yourself some IXAPE, and participate in our airdrop!

How to buy IXAPE

After your account has been approved, you can begin trading on the platform. However, you must first pass an accreditation for trading security tokens to comply with regulations.

To begin the accreditation process, navigate to the “Security Tokens” tab and scroll down to view the security tokens currently available. Select the desired security token(s) you wish to trade and become accredited for. You will only be able to trade tokens you are accredited for.

Click on “Pass Accreditation”. You need to do this step for each token, in this guide we will only do this for IXAPE Tokens.

Submit your accreditation request by clicking “Submit Accreditation”.

Now we will have to wait for our third-party partner to review and approve your request to trade IXAPE tokens.
Once approved, you can trade IXAPE tokens and manage your deposits and withdrawals on the same page. To ensure that the IXAPE tokens are visible in your MetaMask wallet before trading, click “Add to MetaMask” within the “MY IXAPE Vault” box. Then, in MetaMask, click on “Add Token”.
We're ready to start trading! Let's go to the "Swap/Trade" tab and initiate a trade from IXS to IXAPE. In the top field, select "WIXS" as the token to swap from, and in the bottom field, select "IXAPE" as the token to swap to.
Specify the number of IXS tokens you wish to use to purchase IXAPE tokens, and then click "Authorize wIXAPE."
After authorizing, click "Allow IX Swap to use your WIXS."
MetaMask should pop up, asking for confirmation. Click "Confirm," and wait a few moments for the transaction to be completed. Once the transaction is complete, click "Swap" and then "Confirm Swap."

MetaMask should again appear and ask you to confirm the transaction. Once you've confirmed it, the transaction will be complete.
You can check if your tokens have arrived by either opening up your MetaMask wallet or going to the "Security Tokens" tab. Trading back to IXS tokens is just as straightforward.

And voila! You're done! Remember to join in on our IXAPE Zealy quests, to double your rewards!